
Showing 73–84 of 162 results

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  • Amino acid


    L-Carnosine, also known as beta-alanine-L-histidine, widely distributes in biological tissues, especially in the organization where the cells do not spilt, such as muscle and the cerebral olfactory lobe. Early studies suggest that Carnosine is a kind of neurotransmitter may activate the ATP ase and has antioxidant activity, could protect the bacteriophage from the lethal effect of ionizing radiation.The research pointed out that Carnosine has anti-aging effect.

  • Food Additive

    L-glutathione reduced powder

    L-Glutathione Reduced is a tripeptide which consists of glutamic acid, cysteine and glycin. It is an important functional factor, which has many functions, such as anti-oxidant, free radical scavenging,detoxification,enhance immunity,anti-aging, anti-cancer, anti-radiation hazards and others.

  • Amino acid

    L-leucine CAS 61-90-5

    L-Leucine provides many benefits to the body. It is effective for maintaining blood sugar levels and also L-Leucine combines
    with isoleucine and valine to protect and provide fuel to the muscles, and also helps to increase your endurance level and
    boost energy.

  • Amino acid

    L-lysine nutrition supplement

    Lysine is a kind of human essential amino acid. It can enhance hematopoietic function, gastric secretion, improve use efficiency of protein, increase disease resistance,  keep metabolic balance and be in favor of children body and intelligence development.

  • Food Additive

    L-Rhamnose Monohydrate CAS6155-35-7

    L-Rhamnose is a methyl pentose sugar and has properly been classified as one of the rarer sugars. This sugar is a constituent of many glycosides. The rhamnoglycoside of quercetin (rutin) has been most often used as a source of rhamnose and after its hydrolisis, it yields the aglycon and L-Rhamnose.

  • Food Additive


    Theanine (sometimes referred to as “L-theanine”) is an amino acid found naturally in green tea. Also available in supplement form,theanine is said to offer a number of health benefits. Proponents claim that theanine can help with the following health problems such as anxiety.

  • Amino acid


    L-Tyrosine is a non-essential amino acid, it has to regulate emotions, stimulate the role of the nervous system. In addition to help speed up the body metabolism, treatment of chronic fatigue and other diseases. The body needs enough tyrosine to produce many important brain chemicals to help regulate appetite, pain sensitivity, and the body’s response to stress.

  • Plant Extract

    Lotus leaf extract Nuciferine for lossing weight

    Lotus Leaf P.E. has the function of weight control.Lotus Leaf P.E. has strong effect on lowering the blood pressure, and lotus leaf extract  has become popular to lower blood cholesterol ,treat fatty liver and promote blood circulation.

  • Plant Extract


    Lumbrukinase is a new enzyme supplement. It is a group of proteolytic enzymes (acidic proteins) extracted from special earthworms, with a molecular weight of 16,000 to 45,000 D.  Lumbrokinase is known to be beneficial to the circulation and characteristics of the blood.

  • Plant Extract

    Luo Han Guo Extract/ Monk Fruit Extract

    Monk fruit extract is rated a zero on the glycemic index and has zero calories and zero carbs so it won’t spike blood sugar diabetics can incorporate it into their diet more easily than sugar. Monk fruit is considered a healing herb in Eastern medicine and has been used since its discovery to treat all kinds of ailments. Because the people who farm it live so long, it is also thought to be the secret to longevity. Unlike other fruits, monk fruit’s sweetness comes from antioxidants called mogrosides.The mogrosides, specifically mogroside V, that is found in monk fruit, have been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

  • Plant Extract

    Lycopene Powder

    Lycopene not only helps to delay aging, but also helps to enhance the ability to resist radiation. It is very suitable for modern white-collar workers to eat. In addition, lycopene is also suitable for patients with prostate diseases, elderly people with low immunity, and those who need to delay aging.

  • Food Additive

    Lyophilized Royal Jelly Powder

    Lyophilized  Royal Jelly powder is a complicated ingredient of bee products. It contains protein, fatty acid, saccharides, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and inositol. It contains a material that is like acetylcholine. It also contains many kinds of amino acid and biological hormone which are needed of the human body.

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