Lotus leaf extract Nuciferine for lossing weight

Lotus Leaf P.E. has the function of weight control.Lotus Leaf P.E. has strong effect on lowering the blood pressure, and lotus leaf extract  has become popular to lower blood cholesterol ,treat fatty liver and promote blood circulation.

Product name: Lotus leaf extract Nuciferine

Actiive ingredient: Nuciferine

Molecular formula: C19H21NO2

Molecular weight: 295.3755


Appearance: Brown yellow powder

Herb Source:Dried water lily lotus leaf plants

Packing: 25kgs/Drum

Storage:Store in cool & dry place. Keep away from strong light and heat.

1. Lotus leaf extract Nuciferine has the function of weight control.

2. Lotus leaf extract Nuciferine can adjust blood lipids

3. Lotus leaf extract Nuciferine  is used as anticoagulant and antidote in medicine.

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