Plant Extract

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  • Plant Extract

    Rice bran extract ferulic Acid 

    Ferulic acid powder is extracted from the Rice Bran, Ferulic acid is white powder, the melting point is 174 °C, ferulic acid is soluble in hot water, ethanol and ethyl acetate, slightly soluble in ether, insoluble in benzene and petroleum ether.

    Ferulic acid powder, like many phenols, is an antioxidant in the sense that it is reactive toward free radicals such as reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS and free radicals are implicated in DNA damage, cancer, accelerated cell aging.

  • Plant Extract

    Schisandrae Chinensis Extract Powder

    Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis in Latin) is the dehydrated mature fruits of a herb known as Schisandra chinensis and belongs to the Schisandraceae family. Schisandra is widely farmed in China, particularly the northeastern part of the country. It is most commonly found in Lianoning, Hebei, Jilin and Heilongjiang provinces and is grown by sowing seeds. The seeds are sown in spring and the schisandra fruit is reaped in autumn after it is completely mature.

  • Plant Extract

    Senna leaf extract 20% Sennosides for weight loss

    Senna Leaf Extract cleanses and purifies the blood and causes a fresh and lively habit of the body. It is used in  constipation,abdominal disorders,leprosy,skin diseases, leucoderma, splenomegaly, hepatopathy, jaundice, helminthiasis, dyspepsia, cough, bronchitis, typhoid fever, anaemia & tumours. Besides its wide use in conventional health field, senna leaf remains an important nutraceutical used in traditional Chinese zhongcaoyao and traditional Indian Ayurvedic .

  • Plant Extract

    Shilajit extract Fulvic Acid

    Shilajit’s greatest benefit is that other herbs that enhance its biological effectiveness promote exercise minerals, especially calcium, phosphorus and magnesium into muscle. Shilajit helps transport deeper into the organization of nutrients and eliminates deep-seated toxins that help speed up processes, protein and nucleic acid metabolism, and promote energy delivery.

  • Plant Extract

    Siberian Ginseng Extract

    Siberian ginseng extract is known to us all that it can allay tiredness, and it also make you feel ease if it is long-term used.It can upgrade and promote blood circulation, remit fatigue and drowsiness which are due to hypoxia caused by anaerobic metabolism of carbohydrates to produce lactic acid and other substances.

  • Plant Extract

    Sophora Japonica Flower Extract Rutin

    Rutin is a flavanoid extracted from dried flower buds of Sophora Japonica Extract,also called Rutoside,Vitamin P, quercetin-3-rutinoside. Rutin can help the body utilize vitamin C, supports blood vessel integrity, promotes a healthy inflammation response,and assists Vitamin C in keeping collagen in healthy condition. Rutin used in food industry as a pigment.


  • Plant Extract

    Soybean Extract Isoflavone Powder

    Soy isoflavone is a flavonoids compounds, biologically active substance extracted from soybeans, and have a similar structure to estrogen, so soybean isoflavones are also called phytoestrogens. The estrogenic effect of soybean isoflavones affects hormone secretion, metabolic biological activity, protein synthesis, growth factor activity, and is a natural cancer chemopreventive agent.

  • Plant Extract

    Spirulina Extract Phycocyanin powder

    Phycocyanin (Spirulina blue) is a kind of sky blue powder extracted from spirulina. It is a kind of protein, also an excellent natural edible pigment, as well as a portion of good healthy food. Phycocyanin is one of the rare pigment proteins in nature, it is not only colorful but also a kind of nutritious protein, the amino acid composition is complete, with high content of the necessary amino acids. Phycocyanin accounts for as much as 50% protein and attaches. Itself to photosynthesizing membranes, also it`s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant. It`s an accessory pigment to chlorophyll. It’s derived from C-phycocyanin. Phycocyanin is selective about which cells it attaches to making it simple to track down.

  • Plant Extract

    Spirulina powder

    Spirulina powder is made from fresh spirulina by spray drying, sieving and sterilization, and its fineness is generally above 80 mesh. The pure spirulina powder is dark green in color and has a smooth feeling when touched, while spirulina without sieving or adding other substances will have a rough feeling.

    It can be used for food addition, cosmetic addition, health care products, feed addition, etc.
  • Plant Extract

    Star anise Extract Shikimic acid

    Shikimic acid can inhibit platelet aggregation, arteriovenous thrombosis and cerebral thrombosis by affecting arachidonic acid metabolism. Shikimic acid has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. It can also be used as an intermediate of antiviral and anticancer drugs. It can also prevent avian influenza drugs “Tamiflu” and “gram influenza”.

  • Plant Extract

    Stevia Leaf Extract Steviosides

    Stevia is a natural sweetener extracted from Stevia leaves. Stevia is a new natural sweetener which is extracted from the stevia leaves (Stevia Rebaudiana Bertoni). It is off-white color, with appropriate taste, free of peculiar smell and is a new sugar source with a very bright future. Stevia leaves is 30 times sweeter than cane sugar, while it’s extraction is 200-300 times that of cane sugar and its caloric value is only 1/300 that of cane sugar.

  • Plant Extract

    Tongkat Ali Extract 200:1

    Tongkat Ali Root Extract contains the effective ingredient tongkat ali, increase muscle mass, reduce body fat and increase sex drive. However extracts based on this ratio system are often misleading and hard to verify, and in many cases the quality varies between products and batches.

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