Plant Extract

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  • Plant Extract

    Aloe Vera Extract Aloin

    Emodin, a member of the anthraquinones family, is a resin that can be found in many plants, but is most often extracted from the rhubarb plant and Polygonum Cuspidatum. Some of the many potential uses of this substance include its use as a laxative, its ability to mitigate the impact of diabetes, and as a part of anti-cancer therapy. The main side effects of emodin are nausea, diarrhea, and damage to the liver or kidneys.

  • Plant Extract

    Antioxidant black rice extract 25% Anthocyanidin

    Black rice and processed products, which belongs to the rice class is determined by the class of characteristics formed through a long cultivation of gramineous plants rice varieties.

  • Plant Extract

    Ashwagandha Extract Withanolide

    Ashwagandha is called “Indian ginseng”. It contains alkaloids, steroidal lactones, withanolides and iron. It has the function of anti-allergy, anti-bacteria, anti-pyretic and pain relieving. Ashwagandha Extract could be used in sedative and pain relief, lowering blood pressure. , such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, reduce vaginal discharge.The function of anti-inflammation of withanolides can inhibit cancer cell growth, treat chronic inflammation

  • Plant Extract

    Astragalus extract Astragaloside IV

    Astragalosides are bioactive saponins isolated from dried roots of plants of the genus Astragalus, which is used in traditional Chinese medicine. Astragaloside A, also known as astragaloside IV, is known to have diverse protective effects for the cardiovascular, immune, digestive, and nervous systems. More specifically, it protects cardiomyocytes from apoptosis resulting from ischemia/reperfusion and inhibits inflammation signaled through TNF-α. Furthermore, astragaloside A stimulates angiogenesis, promotes the differentiation of neural stem cells, and increases neuroregeneration.

  • Plant Extract

    Berberine hydrochloride 97% powder

    Berberine Hydrochloride has the weak effect on the inhibition of bacteria including Shigella, Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus and can reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of bacteria so that it can’t attach to the body cells and decrease the gastric and duodenal gastrointestinal ulcers. The product is mainly used to treat gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery , diarrhea and other intestinal infections.

  • Plant Extract

    Blueberry Extract Anthocyanidins

    Blueberry extract is a natural health supplement. The extract powder contains rich anthocyanidins, vitamin C, vitamin A and microelement. A rich source of nutrients and antioxidants protect the human body against cancers, aging, degenerative diseases, and infections.

  • Plant Extract

    Boswellia serrata extract Boswellic acid

    Boswellic acid is a series of pen acyclic triterpene molecules which are produced by plants in the genus Boswellia. Like many other terpenes, boswellic acids appear in the resin of the plant which exudes them; it is estimated that they make up 30% of the resin of Boswellia serrata. The boswellic acids are organic acids, consisting of a pentacyclic triterpene, a carboxyl group and at least one other functional group.

  • Plant Extract

    Chitosan from Mushroom

    Chitosan is the product of natural polysaccharide chitin removing part of the acetyl group, with biodegradability, biocompatibility, non-toxicity, antibacterial, anti-cancer, lipid-lowering, immune enhancement and other physiological functions. Widely used in food additives, textile, agriculture, environmental protection, beauty care, cosmetics, antibacterial agent, medical fiber, medical dressings, artificial tissue materials, drug slow release materials, gene transduction carrier, biomedical fields, medical absorbable materials, tissue engineering carrier materials, medical and drug development, and many other fields and other daily-use chemical industry

  • Plant Extract

    cistancvhe tubulosa extract 60% Total Saponins

    Cistanche Extract has the function of strengthening kidney, enhancing sex function, available for essence and blood, commonly used in the treatment of male impotency, men’s, women’s infertility, metrorrhagia, vaginal discharge, lassitude in loin and legs, powerless in bones and muscles, depleted blood,constipationand other symptom, Cistanche tubulosa has the reputation on”desert ginseng”.

  • Plant Extract

    Citrus aurantium Extract 95% Hesperidin

    Hesperidin is a flavanone glycoside (flavonoid) found abundantly in citrus fruits. Its aglycone form is called hesperetin. Hesperidin is believed to play a role in plant defense. It acts as an antioxidant according to in vitro studies. In human nutrition it contributes to the integrity of the blood vessels.Various preliminary studies reveal novel pharmaceutical properties. Hesperidin reduced cholesterol and blood pressure in rats. In a mouse study large doses of the glucoside hesperidin decreased bone density loss. Another animal study showed protective effects against sepsis. Hesperidin has antiinflammatory effects.

  • Plant Extract

    Cocoa extract Theobromine

    Theobromine, formerly known as xantheose, is a bitter alkaloid of the cacao plant, with the chemical formula C7H8N4O2. It is found in chocolate, as well as in a number of other foods, including the leaves of the tea plant, and the kola (or cola) nut.

  • Plant Extract

    Cranberry Fruit Extract Proanthocyanidins

    Cranberry Fruit Extract Proanthocyanidins is for improving the Urinary System,preventing urinary tract infection, softening blood capillary, eliminating eyestrain, improving eyesight and delaying cerebral nerve to aging; Enhancing the heart function and resisting cancer;It has curative effect on immunity diseases of blood capillary caused by diabetes.

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