Berberine hydrochloride 97% powder

Berberine Hydrochloride has the weak effect on the inhibition of bacteria including Shigella, Escherichia coli,Staphylococcus aureus and can reduce the number of bacteria on the surface of bacteria so that it can’t attach to the body cells and decrease the gastric and duodenal gastrointestinal ulcers. The product is mainly used to treat gastroenteritis, bacillary dysentery , diarrhea and other intestinal infections.

Botanical Source: Berberis VulgarisCAS No.: 633-66-9

Part Used: Bark& Root

Appearance: Yellow crystalline powder, odorless, extremely bitter

Loss on drying: NMT 12%

Residue on ignition: NMT 0.2%

Berberine Hydrochloride 97% ~98%

Standard: CP2020

Berberine Hydrochloride, it is a conventional component in Chinese medicine, and characterized by a diversity of pharmacological effects. It has anti diabetic and anti lipid peroxidation activity, as well as an anti-atherosclerotic action, and also has neuroprotective properties and improves polycystic ovary syndrome. Berberine hydrochloride is widely used as an antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory drug, and has been used as a gastrointestinal remedy for thousands of years in China

1. Berberine Hydrochloride have strongly function of control blood sugar. and control-weight.
2. Berberine Hydrochloride has the function of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, and antigens worm; And it has obvious inhibition to influenza viruses;
3. Berberine Hydrochloride has the function of relaxing vascular smooth muscle, and anti diarrhea;
4. Berberine Hydrochloride has the function of resisting arrhythmia, lowering pressue, and regulating blood level;
5. Berberine Hydrochloride  With the function of cholagogue, it can increase bile secreted;
6. Berberine Hydrochloride has anti cerebral ischemia effect, it can anti-oxygen free radical and reduce cerebral inland.

1. Berberine Hydrochloride applied in Nutritional supplements filed.
2. Berberine Hydrochloride applied in Health food products filed.
3. Berberine Hydrochloride applied in Beverages filed.

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