White Willow Bark Extract Salicin

Salicin is used as a precursor for the synthesis of salicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin. A colorless, crystalline solid in its pure form, salicin has the chemical formula C13H18O7. Part of its chemical structure is equivalent to the sugar glucose, meaning it is classified as a glucoside. It is soluble, but not strongly so, in water and alcolhol.

Salicin has a bitter taste and is a natural analgesic and antipyretic, or fever reducer. In large quantities, it can be toxic, and overdoses may lead to liver and kidney damage. In its raw form, it  may be mildly irritating to skin, respiratory organs, and eyes.

Product name:  White Willow Bark Extract 

Latin Name:  Salix babylonica L.

Activitiy Ingredient: Salicin

Mesh size: 80 Mesh

Used Part: Bark

Specification:  15%,25%,30%,50%,80%,90%,98%

Appearance: Brown to white powder

Package: 25KG/drum

Storage: Keep away from light.

1.White Willow Bark Extract Salicin relieves pain and reduce fevers, including headache, back and neck pain,muscle aches, and menstrual cramps.

2.White Willow Bark Extract Salicin has the function of treatment inflammation.

3.White Willow Bark Extract Salicin helps to treat scabies,erysipelas, decayed tooth, swelling in the gum.

4.White Willow Bark Extract Salicin is effective on dispelling wind-evil, increasing urine, reducing swelling.

5.White Willow Bark Extract Salicin has the function of curing rheumatism, blennorrhagia, gonorrhea cloudy urine, pee atresia, epidemic hepatitis


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