Tribulus Terrestris Extract Powder

Tribulus Terrestris Extract Can irritate the testis to secrete male-hormone which can cure impotence, lack of sexual desire and little sperm containing. The Tribulus terrestris P. E. Is used as medicinal herbs to cure diuresis and relieve pain. And it also can enhance muscle, reduce cholesterol, relieve calculus, and control the disordered uroloqical system.


Product name: Tribulus terrestris extract
Latin Name: Tribulus terrestris
Part Used:Fruit
Active ingredient: saponins
Specification: 40% -90% Saponins
Appearance:  Yellow brown powder
CAS No.: 55056-80-9

Tribulus terrestris, also known as puncture vine, is an herb that grows in tropical areas and some moderate-climate regions throughout the world.

Tribulus terrestris has been used for centuries by Greek, Chinese and Indian cultures to support many aspects of health. Protodioscin, a steroidal saponin, is believed to be one of its major, active compounds.

1. Lowering blood pressure and blood-fat, deducing cholesterol and anti-atherosclerosis.
2. Enhancing human immunity and anti-aging.
3. Boosting male virility.
4. Strengthening myocardial contractive power, slowing heart rate and dilating coronary arteries.

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